In relation to the regulations imposed by the Bank of Thailand and Anti-Money Laundering Office, foreigners are required to provide a valid supporting document for identity verification to financial service providers in order to continue using the financial services.

So to ensure continuous usage of your TrueMoney Wallet Account and services, please kindly submit to us one of the following supporting documents

For employees

*Please submit all the pages that include these information: work permit expiry date, workplace name, and workplace address

*In case that your work permit has been extended, please also submit the page with the extension information as well

For students

*In case that your visa has been extended, please also submit the page with the extension information as well

*Please upload both the page with residence address (first page) and the page with your name

For others

*In case that your visa has been extended, please also submit the page with the extension information as well

*Please upload both the page with residence address (first page) and the page with your name

Steps to submit document
1. Prepare your document according to the above instructions
2. Visit this Google Form for submitting document
3. Provide your passport number and mobile phone number as registered with your True Money Wallet Account and upload the document
4. Submit the form

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact True Money Customer Care 1240 ext. 4

Submit Documents